Degrees and Courses

Physiology and Pharmacology Graduate Program

Degree Information

Our graduate training programs are designed to provide students with the opportunity to obtain a thorough knowledge of our disciplines through a combination of appropriate course work, seminars, and practical experience in the design, implementation and critical assessment of a research project. Although individual programs will reflect the research interests of the student and his / her research supervisor, our program policies have been developed to ensure that there is uniformity in standards of excellence in graduate student training in our Department as a whole.

The major features of the graduate programs in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology are:

  1. Emphasis on research
  2. Apprenticeship system
  3. Courses that emphasize current topics from cellular-molecular to translational levels
  4. Collective responsibility of faculty members in establishing and maintaining high standards based on regular meetings of advisory committees and research seminars.
  5. Participation by graduate students in the academic life of our Department, including teaching, service on Department committees, and in the Department seminar series.
  6. Interactions among graduate students at regular meetings and social activities

General Information: New students usually register in the MSc program. Those wishing to complete a PhD degree may transfer into the PhD program before completion of their 5th academic term. A thesis is required for both the MSc and PhD degrees. The normal times required to complete the graduate programs, including successful defence of the thesis, are:

  • MSc = 2 years
  • PhD (prior MSc) = 4 years
  • PhD (no prior MSc) = 5 years

Graduate Student Handbook: For detailed information on our graduate program, please consult the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology's Graduate Student Handbook. This handbook contains information on:

  • School of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies requirements
  • Roles and responsibilities of the program, supervisor, advisory committee and student
  • Seminars
  • Course information
  • Thesis information

The Handbook also contains other contact information and useful links. If you have any questions regarding any department/faculty requirements, please contact Olga Krougly, Graduate Administrator in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at

Thesis Information (MSc and PhD): Guidelines for the preparation and examination of MSc and PhD theses are provided by the School of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.

Safety Information: For the most up-to-date information, please go to Human Resources, Heath & Safety website.

Program Requirements

Requirements for Physiology and Pharmacology students who are also members of a collaborative program may differ slightly. Please consult the individual collaborative program directors for specific information.

Course Information

The focus of graduate student training in our program is on learning to develop and carry out high-quality research projects. This is supplemented with course work that assists the student with acquiring skills in scientific communication, critical thinking, and assessment and integration of information from the cellular-molecular to translational level. All students are expected to attend and participate in the Department Seminar Series during their course of study, in order to broaden and strengthen their knowledge of our disciplines.

Required MSc Courses

Required PhD Courses

-Plus additional eligible 0.50 course (A or B)

Other Courses Offered